This was not what I wanted.

Good morning, my lovelies. I say “good”, because anything would be good relative to last night. For the first time in a very long time, I had a nightmare.

In the dream, someone wanted to buy this nicely sized riverside property my mother owned. She had told them she wasn’t selling, but they were putting a lot of pressure on her. We had found evidence that someone had been trespassing along the waterfront and woods that surrounded the house. At one point in the dream, dream-Me was in her bedroom (identical to my current room), and had a feeling some BAD MEN were very close and were planning to really ramp up the intimidation tactics. It was such a strong, absolutely overwhelming feeling of dread, and the feeling they were right there. In my dream, I started screaming at my mother, tell those men ‘no’! But she couldn’t hear me, or didn’t understand, and just replied what?

So the dream-Me ran out of my room and into the kitchen where I knew she was. The dread was even stronger at this point and I was screaming at her because I knew they were RIGHT FUCKING THERE and WHY DIDN’T SHE FEEL IT TOO. In the split second that I entered the kitchen (which looked like Shawshank‘s apartment), the strange man standing beside the stove turned to me.

Then he stabbed me with Shawshank‘s kitchen scissors.

I woke up and tried to go back to sleep.


  1. February 6, 2022

    I’m very sorry you had these nightmares 😕

  2. February 6, 2022

    I hate those dreams where you feel powerless. I always feel so worn out when they wake me up and can’t get back to sleep. I have them much too often

    • crystal
      February 7, 2022

      I’ve gone at least a year now – weed kills dreaming for me. Sometimes I miss the random weird dreams, but I just have too much personal train wreck for my subconscious to take inspiration from. Don’t miss that powerless feeling at all, or waking myself up because I almost shouted.

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