Happy Crappy

Good morning, everyone ☕

Let the workweek begin, and all that happy crappy. The other day tech is on vacation, and my schedule is utterly screwy this week. It sucks. It’s one of those situations where the little bump in the paycheck isn’t always worth it. Today, I’m going in early, so no morning yoga for me. Instead, I’ll do it after work, while he makes dinner for us.

We succeeded in our weekend goal of relaxing. Yesterday’s short shift went ok, even if she was bitching about the boss within 15 minutes of my arrival. He spent my shift mowing the lawn, doing laundry, and washing dishes. I’d had a nightmare-filled sleep Saturday night and tried to catch a nap yesterday afternoon, but every time I’d drift off, I’d start dreaming of things flying at my face and wake myself up again. Last night’s dreams weren’t nightmares, but returned to my normal weirdness, wherein there was an in-dream debate about salinity and bouyancy differences between salt and fresh bodies of water.

“Only you would have a science dream,” he told me.

It’s time for me to get myself coffee #3 and some real clothes. Have an excellent Monday, friends.

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