Every Second of the Night

Ever have one of those dreams that’s so ridiculously strange that you wake up and think to yourself, I need to remember this in the morning? I had one of those dreams the night before last, and woke up in the middle of the night and gave some serious consideration to grabbing my phone and making a note to myself about it. The only downside that I could come up with for not writing it down was the brightness of the phone’s screen would probably blind me, but I fell asleep before I could actually make the effort. Whatever the dream was, it was forgotten in the morning.

Last night, however, I got to have one of those dreams that I could not only remember, but I immediately knew was a continuation of the prior night’s dream. I just knew it. Unfortunately, last night’s dream was the kind that woke me up and left me anxious, for good reason.

In the dream, there were police wanting to get into our house. They were looking for something hidden, even though they had already been through everything in the house once before.  I kept telling them there wasn’t any place let in the house to search, as they’d already opened every cabinet and dresser and closet, and they’d gone through every book and box.  But they persisted.  We’re going to have to open up your walls, they told me.  We might even need to break your floor. The person they were investigating didn’t even live here, and never had, but whatever they wanted, it was in my house.

Needless to say, after recent events, I haven’t been in the greatest state of mind since 5am. 

On the other hand, I’m trying hard not to let it get the best of me.  I did a workout for the day already, and I have a shift to work.  This cold snap is finally giving way to some warmer temps.

Also, I just watched the local drunk take a piss behind the dumpster at work.  Really fucking classy, Ray.

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