Fridays, fries, and the usual weekend plans

We made it! It’s almost Saturday. I’ve survived another workweek, and made it to another weekend. I consumed the weekly celebration of buffalo chicken and sweet potato fries. BossRPh let me check out early, which netted me an extra workout before dinner tonight. As a result, I feel a lot less guilty about eating that large-disguised-as-a-small order of fries.

I had a good chat with Shawshank tonight. He’s doing better tonight, but is worried about how the weekend will be. “The weekends are the worst,” he wrote this week. He brought it up again when he called, wondering why it was always bad on the weekends.

I told him my theory: during the week, I’m working, and he knows he can’t call.  He finds something to occupy himself for the day until 7:30 rolls around. In contrast, I’m not at work on the weekends, and there’s no real reason he can’t call. Only, I’m occupied on the weekends. I’m shopping, or clearing the house out. I’m doing my own thing with a workout in the morning and my Saturday night in the tub. There’s a difference between working and being busy. I can’t talk when I’m at work, however, on the weekends I’m doing all the things we’d usually be doing together. Not calling because I’m “adulting” only serves to highlight the fact he’s not adulting with me. That’s the rub.

But, the adulting goes on.

I need to go shopping tomorrow. There’s not a lot on the shopping list, mostly lunch for the week and a night or two worth of dinner ingredients. With the stimulus money hitting people’s bank accounts this week, I’m assuming Walmart is going to be an absolute madhouse. I haven’t decided if I’ll do my long workout tomorrow. Usually, Saturday’s workout is about 2 hours. Getting out early tonight allowed me to do about 1h45m when I got home, so I’ll let my body decide.  At the moment, there’s not a lot of stuff that needs to be sorted through.  The extra clothes are gone, and the remaining books are in boxes.  I have a lot of ponies to take pics of, however, they’re going up in one giant lot, and I’m not going to do my normal “glamour shots”.  There’s still a lot of Lego to go through and put online, unfortunately.

One thing is certain: I’m going to sleep in a bit.

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