Je demande fromage.

Good morning. It’s Friday. I wonder if Hometown has noticed the absence of my Friday order. I know I have; I’d love some sweet potato fries and a buffalo chicken wrap.

However, lack of chicken wrap aside, there is a positive to the morning. It’s not hot, in fact it’s cool and slightly overcast. I have the house to myself for the morning, since Mom took the car and went to the laundromat. I could smoke a joint in the backyard if I want to.

I could do that anyway, but I’d feel weird, like I did when I could buy my own alcohol but still never drank with my parents.

Yesterday was beautiful. It wasn’t incredibly hot, but humidity kicks my ass. I worked out with the kettlebells under a tree, early enough that I didn’t die. We went out to buy the veggies for the corned beef dinner. I can find my way to Walmart now.

I also took some time in the afternoon to play with what I’ve dubbed “Mr. Stick”, the contact staff I picked up last weekend. After dinner, I brought out the poi. Mom’s thrilled with that, because she’s only ever seen them in my videos before. And as moms do, she thinks I’m amazing even when I’m beating myself up with my toys.

Oh well. Let’s put some clothes on.

One Comment

  1. March 19, 2021

    You are amazing. You make spinning poi look easy.

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