Actual Friday

It’s finally Friday. No more of this “hump day” or “almost Friday”, it’s “actual Friday”. A mere 8-hour shift separates me from a long weekend. Unfortunately, it’s supposed to rain half the time. In a way, it might be good, it’ll keep me inside and working on the house rather than going out and doing other stuff.

BossRPh loved her litter box cake.  She took a bunch of pictures of it, and sent them to everyone she knew.  One of the front store people commented to the store manager, “does Crystal know how to make anything small?”  The answer is a resounding “no”. 

I think I was dreaming about troubleshooting some code last night. Last night, I was doing a little bit of work last night right before bed. However, I was in a sleeping pill fueled haze at that point. I’m unsure if the “dream” was simply me being half asleep when I was doing it, or an actual dream. It’s been a long time since I coded anything in my sleep. I used to do it regularly when I ran a MUD, but that was at least 20 years ago.

With the arrival of another Friday comes another night of gorging myself on delicious food from Hometown for my regular order of Buffalo chicken wrap (wheat wrap, no lettuce, extra hot sauce, pickup at 7 pm) and sweet potato fries. I haven’t yet decided if I’ll get the week’s groceries tonight or tomorrow. Due to the amount of driving around I plan on doing tomorrow, I’m leaning towards doing the food shopping tomorrow.

It’s also a night to talk to Shawshank. I hate not being able to visit him. Visitation was supposed to reopen on May 4th. However, I’m sure their first positive Covid-19 case will have them in full quarantine. As long as I can get in to see him before he leaves, I think I’ll be ok.  Tonight, I’ll find out what sort of progress is happening with his case, and whether or not all this shit is coming to an end anytime soon.

Let the Friday-ing begin.

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