Hooray for the fucking weekend.

Aside from writing a brief post last night, I pushed away from the computer for a little while and watched a bit of TV. Since I found my own copy of House of Leaves, I started rereading it. After trying to describe it to StressedRPh, I brought it in to show it to her on Thursday. “Maybe this wasn’t the best thing to buy for Shawshank if he’s dealing with a lot of stuff,” she said. In addition to the intertwining stories between the two “authors” making things only slightly confusing a first, the pages of my copy like to stick together. I’ll read a few pages, something will suddenly be confusing. I have to check page numbers to determine if it’s my fault I’m confused, or just the book being the book.

My #selfcaresaturday is the only time I really sit without the internet. I’m trying to put down the tech, relax, and give the cats some attention. Last night, I watched an episode each of Breaking Bad and Big Little Lies. The last couple of Saturday nights, I’ve watched Tales from the Loop. Tonight, I think I’ll have a couple of drinks and watch The Lighthouse.

Please don’t spoil any of them for me.

There’s a bit of snow falling, and some sticking on the ground, and I should probably head out shopping ASAP. I’ve got shit to do before tonight’s bubble bath.


  1. April 18, 2020

    House Of Leaves is my best friend’s favorite book! In high school he tried getting me to read it and it legit freaked me out and I felt unsettled reading it and never finished. I’d like to give it another shot one of these days.

  2. It’s super good, but definitely has that unsettling feeling a lot of time. I was gifted my copy after mentioning I wanted to read it, and someone on g+ told me “add it to your wishlist immediately” and I had it 3 days later.

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