Friday. Just Friday.

It’s almost here! The weekend is almost within our grasp! Unfortunately, the skies are overcast and we can expect rain most of the day. They tell us to expect isolated thunderstorms, but the chance is pretty low. Weather like this makes for loagy days; perhaps the promise of a good thunderboomer will outweigh the gray mood.

When my alarms went off this morning, I just could NOT get out of bed. I want to do a workout, but I don’t want to move. I haven’t felt like this in a while. There’s no reason not to go upstairs, but there’s no motivation.

DayTech asked me if I had any vacation days coming up. Nope. Nothing. I’m banking all of that for the payout when I leave. But oh my fuck, do I absolutely need a couple of mental health days. It sucks, we all feel like none of us can take time off without screwing over everyone.

I mailed out three more orders of Lego yesterday morning. I have a few more sets that I’d like to sell, along a metric shit ton of mini figs. At that point, I’ll give the rest to my nephew. I figure it’s about 20 lbs of Lego; I could probably make more money if I sold it, but I really don’t want to deal with that.

This morning, I set up appointments for the cats to get their rabies shots. Unfortunately, the earliest appointments were for a month from now. I’m sure I’ll still be here, as nothing in my life moves that swiftly, especially when there’s cleaning involved. Oh, and because the universe hates me. I’d love to believe the border will open on two weeks, but I don’t expect it to.

On the plus side, I have a month to buy another cat carrier.

Oh well. I put on workout clothes 90 minutes ago, I should probably make some use out of them. Only one shift separates me from the weekend. I don’t know what’s for dinner tonight. Last week I enacted a rule that I can’t order my normal Friday dinner because I should probably save money. My brain says ABSOLUTELY NOT, but my stomach says BITCH BUY ME SWEET POTATO FRIES.

And honestly, compared to all the bullshit my body yells at me, demanding sweet potato fries is probably the nicest thing on that list.

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