Happy …. Thursday, is it? Whatever. The morning sky is filled with a gentle sunshine that sears the flesh off the puny, bipedal lifeforms walking the streets, while the dulcet sounds of a lawn mower break through the silence of the morning. O happy day.
Yesterday was enormously hot. I realize that’s not the proper adjective, as enormous should convey a size. I’m writing by feel and that’s how I fucking feel. The heat is so heavy you can’t move under it.

We’re expected to hit 102° according to the local news station. The heat index will be even worse. Weather alert day and all that, keep the kids and elderly and pets inside, etc etc. Unfortunately, there’s no thunderstorm in the works. Disappointing, as this is perfect weather for a real rager.
As hot as it was, I dragged the paints outside yesterday. I feel like I didn’t do that much. I dropped the background in on two, a roof and more roof, some contrast and grass. I signed something.
Can’t touch it now.
Eventually the heat became too oppressive to even sit still. I put on Stranger Things, starting from the beginning because Mom has never seen it. For all of her protests about it looking too scary for her, I knew she’d enjoy the show if I put it on.
I don’t think we’re doing anything today. Par for the course.
Discord keeps disconnecting and so am I. But I slung some pigments. (chicky.blog/overdosed-on-b…)
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