Yes, I’ll stay hydrated.

Good morning, and happy Sunday. It’s already a warm one out there. It was miserably humid yesterday, and today is supposed to be worse. I can already feel the heat and humidity rising.

I was able to clean everything I wanted clean yesterday morning. Last week, I was in full-on Hermit Girl mode. I don’t ever have company – we never did, even before Shawshank was removed. I need to make some adjustments in how I handle household maintenance now that we can text all the time and call nightly. I’d let things slip to an embarrassing degree, and there was a lot to do in the kitchen. Everything is tidy and clean now.

After the quick visit with my godparents, I chatted with Shawshank for a bit. I’d been up since 5:30 am to clean, and the heat was getting to me. Eventually, I told him I wanted to put on a nature documentary and take an afternoon nap. And that’s exactly what I did. By the time I woke up, the temperature was up, the humidity was worse, and it was awful. However, my new Bluetooth speaker arrived while I napped, and it’s awesome.

Shawshank suggested I move my morning workout outside this morning. There’s a very slight breeze out there, and it will probably be loads better than a workout upstairs with no airflow. While I’ve written out what moves I’ll do I haven’t decided if I’ll go for time or reps. Either way, I should do it soon, before it’s too warm.

Update: actually halfway through the workout right now. It’s brutal.

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