Oh Deer 🦌

Oh Deer 🦌

Good morning, and let’s get this Friday started.

Oh, deer 🦌

It’s been a long week. I’m pretty sure the Christmas shopping is finished, at least for the two of us. He did some final shopping last night. At one point during the shopping, he asked me to convert 30 kilograms to pounds, so I’m guessing I’m going to have at least one new kettlebell that could be described as “really frickin heavy”. One of his presents should be arriving in the next few days, and another early next week. His last present will be here in early January.

We’re working on figuring out what we’re going to make for Christmas dinner. He came up with an idea to make a “seafood pizza”, with scallops and shrimp and a white sauce. I think I want to make a lobster mac and cheese as well. I’ll spend some time next week baking for work, which will be fun as hell 🍪

Only 1 shift to get through, then it’s a relaxing weekend.


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