Nonstop thunder

Nonstop thunder

It’s Thursday again. I don’t know how it happened. One morning I’m (needlessly, I might add) bitching about Mondays, then I’m suddenly writing about food shopping and dinner with Brian’s parents.

However, the universe has deemed me deserving of at least one bonus visit to the compound this week. Another of Brian’s uncles is visiting, and I’m pretty sure we’ve been invited over for dinner tonight. I’ve been warned that he’s quite the drinker.

Oh fucking joy.

It thundered nonstop until mid-afternoon yesterday. We briefly went out between thunderstorms, hoping to find a birthday gift for Brian’s mother. Unfortunately, we didn’t find anything. Mom is totally ok with yesterday’s fruitless search for pretty wind chimes. We’ll simply go to a bigger, better wind chime store on Saturday.

Thunder has been rumbling since I got up an hour ago. There’s a storm right off the beach a couple of miles away. We’re starting to see the clouds. Unless I can somehow squeeze 30 minutes of workout into the next 10, any plans for a workout aren’t happening.

I’m completely ok with that.

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