So Guess Who Slept Late?

It was me. I slept late. I won’t complain, I probably needed that extra 45 minutes. It was nice sleeping weather, and I was comfortable.

Yesterday wasn’t too awful. Patients are starting to notice BossRPh‘s absense. StressedRPh and MusicMan are annoyed because they’ve had to count all of the controlled substances in the pharmacy multiple times. So far, there’s been at least two full inventories in the last three weeks when each new manager takes over. There’s also a weekly inventory of the drugs kept in the safe, that’s another three counts. This weekend is the regular monthly controlled substance inventory. Finally, we have a corporate-required inventory on the 6th. MusicMan asked if there was any way some of the counts could be combined and done on the same day, but no such luck.

After work, I made myself some deliciously spicy chicken, which I used to top some rice. Because it was an absolutely enormous chicken breast, I have leftovers for later this week. I did a nice workout after dinner, which left me in a good mood for the rest of the night. I used that good mood and spent the rest of the night playing Pokemon Blue.

My neighbor caught me outside while I took the trash out. She wanted to tell me her father would be interested in buying the house when I’m ready to sell. “It would be nice if you didn’t need to go through a realtor!” she said. I did the polite thing and nodded and smiled. She mentioned they bought the property next door from her father, who I’m pretty sure is a house flipper. Nope, not interested. I’m sorry, but I’d like to at least try to make a profit on this place.

Today’s another shift with StresedRPh. I don’t expect anything to suck today. The forecast calls for cloudy days right through the weekend, and the elderly won’t leave their houses if there’s a chance of rain. I have to make a stop at the post office in the morning, and post the entire remaining My Little Pony collection for sale on eBay later today. At some point, I need to weigh out some Lego and come up with a shipping quote for someone interested in several sets. Shawshank can call tonight, and I’m sure I’ll hear all about the books I sent him. His birthday is Monday, and I mailed a card out yesterday.

Only two more shifts until the weekend, and all it brings.

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