*Now* it’s Friday.

It wasn’t a bad shift yesterday. Not awesome, but definitely not as bad as Tuesday. I still would have preferred to have been anywhere but there.

Two of the front supervisors are leaving in 12 days. One has been there for probably half her life at this point and is retiring. We’ve known she was leaving for a while. The other supervisor gave her notice yesterday, she found a similar position closer to home for more pay. Store manager hasn’t done anything to find replacements yet. Last night, a customer was overheard talking about having an interview with the store manager today for a cashier position. She was super high and covered in bruises and track marks.

StressedRPh had to deal with a problem patient last night; 45 minutes on the phone. She’s the matriarch of a problem family that we’ve been having issues with for years. I’m pretty sure she survives solely on a diet of Adderall and Xanax and meth. She has that shoe-leathery look that comes with a few decades of tanning with baby oil. Once, she came into the store covered in so much glittery lotion we made jokes about how she was probably a sparkly vampire.

Her son is the one involved in a massive blow up with the pharmacy back in May, when I forgot to give his father his meds. About a week after that incident, father and son had a 30 minute shouting match with MusicMan about filling controlled substances. Since then, there’s been several issues with controlled substances being filled early for both mother and son. There’s always plenty of yelling involved.

This week, things came to a head and the mother called to yell at StressedRPh last night. She’d called in a refill on a painkiller on Monday. Matryoshka questioned the prescribing doctor about about whether it was actually needed, as she was already taking high doses of opiates already. Script was cancelled, because the doctor doesn’t can’t overprescribe painkillers, even if that’s exactly what this doctor is doing. Mommy Dearest is screaming at StressedRPh about how we had NO RIGHT, and FUCK THIS, and I’LL NEVER FILL THERE AGAIN YOU’LL LOSE SO MUCH MONEY.

Honestly, we couldn’t give two shits where she takes her handful of generic, dirt cheap heart meds and controlled substances. I told StressedRPh she must be basing her figures on the street value of her meds. We certainly won’t go broke if she leaves.

It’s Friday, finally. I’m hopeful about the shift. It’s the end of the week, and I think we’ve caught up on most of the bullshit. The weekend is supposed to be very nice. I’ll bring a lot of things into the common area to trash on Tuesday. I need to hit the grocery store for some minor things, and check out cat carriers. Someone should be over on Sunday to buy the Christmas tree we never got to use.

We’ll start the day with a workout. It’s a good way to start things, and the rest of the weekend will hopefully follow in the same way.

One Comment

  1. August 21, 2020

    That’s an insult to sparkly vampires everywhere!

    Team Edward signing off

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