I don’t need this fucking stress.

It has NOT been a good day.

I walked into work, knowing full well it was going to be StressedRPH. However, she had capable help for the closing half of the day, and I didn’t expect any problems. Unfortunately, I caught hell. One of our regulars came in to pick up his wife’s script yesterday morning and asked if their son had anything. I glanced at my screen and told him he didn’t. Unfortunately, I had been searching for the wife’s last name in the queue, The son has a different last name. That fact totally slipped my mind, even though the whole family are regulars and we all know their last names are different. I looked at the screen and my brain translated that as the whole family. I fucked up, and the parents pitched a fit after I left.

Mind you, the son in question here is in his early thirties. I’d feel worse if this was a child. However, at that age, you can check on your own stuff. I’m especially unsympathetic when he seems to have no problem calling us non-stop about his controlled substances. Additionally, you also lose a lot sympathy when the script was filled on Tuesday, and you come in on Wednesday.

But, I digress.

Shortly after catching that fresh wad of bullshit, the store manager came back to the pharmacy. He had the privilege of announcing that the pharmacy hours are being cut. Come the end of June, the pharmacy will close two hours earlier during the week, and closed all day on Sundays. BossRPh had been very generous with our hours, even though they were supposed to be cut a few months ago. However, this has nothing to do with that. This is a district-wide change to bring us in line with what corporate wants to see based on the amount of business the stores see.

Fortunately, aside from a few busy spurts, the rest of the day went smoothly. MusicMan starts tomorrow as interim manager, and I think he’ll work out just fine.

I came home and made dinner – roasted Brussels sprouts and meatballs. After dinner, I was able to do a quick but good workout before Shawshank called. As expected, he finished Cat’s Cradle, and enjoyed it. “I really like the way he writes,” he told me. I didn’t tell him he’ll be getting Slaughterhouse Five sometime this weekend. The call was the least stressful part of the day. Do you realize how fucked up that is?? It was less stressful to talk to my husband on a monitored, 20-minute call from an ICE detainment prison than any other part of my day.

Unfortunately, he hasn’t heard anything from the consulate about travel documents.

My mom called while I was talking with Shawshank. She wanted to thank me for her birthday/Mother’s day presents. I sent her a bunch of local things so she could remember up here.

We talked a bit about what needs to be done in the house. That just stressed me out all over again. There’s just soooooo much clutter to get rid of, but so much of it I could probably sell. However, most of it isn’t worth anything substantial, and it’s definitely not worth the hassle of trying to sell it on Facebook, Craigslist, or Reddit. It’s going to be really nice this weekend: perfect yard sale weather. On the other hand, the state only just started the first phase of re-opening this week. I’d like to give it a week or two before having a bunch of people milling around a few tables full of junk.

But all that shit needs to get out of here so I can get down to the real trouble: the deep cleaning. I also need to have the front steps fixed, and hire someone to paint my stairway.

Also, I can’t leave until I get my passport. I submitted my passport application 10-days before they stopped processing them. It’ll get done… eventually. I feel as though it doesn’t even matter if I get it cleaned out quickly. I can’t even put the house up for sale because with my luck, it will sell quickly, and I won’t be able to leave.

There’s just so much.


  1. May 15, 2020

    Yo. It’s Friday. I’m awake, and the coffee is in my cup. I’ll try to take its message to heart make today a better day than yesterday.

    It’s my night to have fun food, a fact I completely forgot about until I checked my tiny dinner/shopping planner. Shawshank wants to call, but because his level is having an early lock-in, he’ll be calling a bit after I get home instead of his regular time. I look forward to talking to him, but the early call will cut into my regular Friday night workout. Mentally, I need that “reboot” workout.

    We can also expect some heavy storms tonight; they’re telling us to be “weather aware”. Things like heavy winds, thunder and lightning, peeks of sunshine, tornadoes, and hail. The rest of the weekend will be sunny, and I’ll open the windows, blast the music, and go through everything.


  2. May 20, 2020

    Morning, folks. I woke up chilly and worried the heater was broken again. Turned out I had both turned it down really low and left a window open, and it was simply cold. Nothing a cup of coffee won’t fix.

    I was pleasantly surprised when DayTech came in for her shift yesterday. She was very happy to be back at work and not stuck in the house with the family all day. We were very happy to have her back instead of fill-in techs. MusicMan has a fill-in helping him tonight, because NewTech is still out.

    StressedRPh broke the news to DayTech about the pharmacy hours changing in a few weeks. StressRPh is worried, and rightly so. The pharmacy manager is required to work a certain number of hours per pay period, which is why StressedRPh and BossRPh had a split day with a 3-hour overlap in their shifts. Now, if they cut 18 hours from the pharmacy schedule, and MusicMan isn’t losing any of his own hours, there’s a good chance StressedRPh won’t be able to make the required 30 hours every week to keep her benefits. MusicMan said other pharmacists in the same predicament will pick up extra hours at other stores. unfortunately, if this is a change happening across the district, then there’s less hours for everyone, and it would be difficult to pick up hours elsewhere.

    I’m really hoping my passport comes in and I can leave this place.

    But, today is Wednesday. I forgot to mail one of the eBay auctions yesterday, and I’ll need to stop at the post office this morning. Last night wasn’t the greatest, mostly because I got caught up in my head over some frustration with well-meaning family. I can expect a phone call from Shawshank tonight, and I need a little goodness to look forward to. I’m hoping I’ll have some time between dinner and Shawshank’s call to do a workout.

    Oh well. Let’s refill the mug and put some makeup on. Have a good Wednesday, my friends.

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