Make it a good day.

Make it a good day.

O frabjous day! The weekend is finally here, and a mere 7 hour shift separates me from its sweet, sweet freedom. The humidity has broken, finally. I no longer want to strut ooze around the house naked.

I had an utterly shit-tastic sleep last night. The temperature was comfortable, the cats were snuggly, it was the perfect start. So what went wrong? Well, it took me a little while to fall asleep. First, I had just spent a couple of hours looking for a WordPress theme for Shawshank that reminded me of old school Livejournal layouts. When I have an idea for something like that, I want to focus on nothing but that. Then, I got myself excited while I was doing the nightly routine. Scrolling through Instagram while I brushed my teeth, I found a company that makes a moderately priced set of vision poi, on sale, with the option to pay in installments. Seriously, I could have 8-bit flames? OMG THE WANT IS STRONG.

Plus, I couldn’t stay asleep. There’s a street light almost directly across the street from the bedroom window. By “almost directly across”, I mean “not quite across, but diagonally and shining directly on the pillow”. Earlier this week, I noticed it was no longer bathing the street in its typical Trump-colored, post-apocalyptic orangey glow. Instead, it flickered a cool white light. I opened all the curtains, had an awesome dark room, it was beautiful. Unfortunately, the light was back to normal last night. I kept the curtains open because I really wanted the breeze, figuring I could deal with the light.

Narrator: She could not deal.

Did I shut the curtain? Nope. Did I wake up several times and attempt to move to a different spot in the bed? Yup.

I haven’t decided what I’ll have for dinner tonight. It’s another Friday late shift, and I only have to work with StressRPh for half of it. I could stop and buy the fixings to make the melty sandwich I craved earlier this week, or do the same thing I do every week and order from Hometown. In terms of cost, they’re about the same, especially when you consider I can’t go into the grocery store and buy only what I need.

I’m looking at you, frozen mussels in spicy sauce.

I’ll worry about that later tonight. For now, I’ll head upstairs for a workout.


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