sleeping in?

It’s morning again. I have removed myself from the bedroom and joined the world. I’m awake, and I’m making it everyone’s problem.

I was incredibly lazy yesterday. I’m sure that had a lot to do with how drained I was by the end of the night. Tiktok was slower than usual; I saw a lot of the regular Foot Clan, but they were the freeloaders, not the appreciative ones. I played Divinity all afternoon while Shawshank relaxed a bit after his shift.

I forced myself to stay awake until 10pm and went to bed with Shawshank. It didn’t take me very long to fall asleep. I woke up just before the alarm went off at 4:30am, giving me about six hours of solid sleep. From that point, I dozed lightly, listening to Shawshank start his day, making coffee and feeding Chaucer, before he finally came in and kissed me goodbye. Amazingly enough, I continued to doze, and remained in bed until Chaucer woke me up after 7am.

Aside from the short drive to the restaurant for Date Night, we’re not leaving the house this weekend. Shawshank has night shifts all next week.

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