let’s get weird

Good morning, world. The Friday has arrived. It’s all the usual fare here in TinyTown: cats, coffee, and cold. I’ve been up since around 3am, unfortunately. Chaucer woke me up by puking beside my side of the bed. What sleep I had was filled with nightmares and I honestly don’t know whether or not they started before or after the puking. I gave up on trying to sleep around 6am.

I played on TikTok for a bit, but I think most people are still in holiday-mode. There didn’t seem to be a lot of traffic in the first place. Those who stayed long enough to chat weren’t the tipping type. I’m trying to get back into the routine of quasi-daily spin time, and the Foot Clan doesn’t like that. I don’t care, honestly. Let me play with balls and lights and leviwand. They keep me sane.


Disclaimer: none of this is probably true, the rules are made up, the points don’t matter, and any similarities to anyone’s life other than my own is purely coincidence #flowartsmovement #flowarts #derpgear #leviwand

♬ Angel – Sarah McLachlan

Shawshank is working a closing shift tonight, and we’ve pushed date night off to tomorrow. I’m going to assume a human form this morning. Once he leaves, I’ll spend the evening streaming bullshit and bad behavior. If I can get warm/high enough, I’ll put on something trashy and start a dance party.

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