sleep and cake and cake and sleep

Morning, y’all. Happy Thursday. In my case, I feel like I can call it WednesdayPLUS. Both of us got very little sleep last night. The coffee is warming my belly, but doing not much else. I don’t know what was wrong, but both of us slept badly last night.

I spent most of yesterday’s afternoon writing. I had the idea for the post rattling around in my head for a week now, it was just a matter of time. I’m proud I actually finished it, as half the time I have ideas for posts that aren’t my regular drivel, the ideas go to my drafts.

And the drafts are where posts go to die.

Shawshank‘s Mom met Zeppelin yesterday when she dropped off some cat food. She texted him later in the day to tell him she had a box and some old towels and would like us to make a shelter to keep the little cat out of the wind. He told her we already had it covered. While we haven’t seen Zep take advantage of the plastic bin, it’s there just in case any cat needs a place.

I helped at the design night at Shawshank‘s shop last night. The two of us think that’s probably where most of the trouble sleeping stemmed from. Things like that put a spanner in the cogs of our well-oiled routine. I made our dinner a little earlier than usual. We didn’t get home until around 10pm, which is deep into our post-dinner relaxation period. We watched an old episode of Law & Order and adjourned to the bedroom shortly thereafter.

Neither of us fell asleep very easily; I don’t think I really got any sleep until around 1:30am. Unfortunately, I was awake again two hours later. I was too warm. Even he thought I was warm, which is unheard of because I’m almost always cold. I simply couldn’t get comfortable at all. Eventually, I took my pillow and went out to the couch, where things were slightly better. Chaucer spent some time sleeping on my feet. Later, after he moved back into the bedroom, Pippin came over and snuggled up against my ass.

There’s another function tonight. I’m going to try to get some sleep today, and maybe it’ll be a good night.

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