Greetings from Friday morning, or what’s left of it. I believe they’re calling for a chance of snow overnight, but nothing to worry about. In true Rhode Island fashion, “chance of snow, nothing to worry about” can mean anything between the odd 64°F January day and a raging nor’easter. Who knows.
The appraisal came back at the range we needed it to. They only turned up a couple of red flags. Some we knew about, like the hand rails and the concrete. Those were fixed after the appraisal. The only major snag is the oil tank in the basement. The house’s previous owner converted things from oil to gas heat at some point after she bought the place in the 90’s. She never had the old tank removed. The tank isn’t hooked up to anything, it’s just there. Our agent is trying to determine if the issues are small enough to tie into the closing costs and have fixed after the sale.
I decided that even though this isn’t a workout day, I’m still making it a human day. I’ll go out to the store and grab some milk and cereal. There’s a few people messaging me about a dresser, and maybe something will actually sell this week.
Plus, today is Fri-yay. I’ll continue my Friday tradition of getting positively lit and having an awesome dinner and some TV.

Have a good day, my friends.