More Money, More Trash (but less Lego)

It’s Wednesday. It looks more like January outside than it has in the last month or so. The sky is gray and bright, and you can feel the idea of snow even from inside the house. We had a brief squall last night. We can expect a little more snow to fall today, but nothing to worry about.

It’s inauguration day. You know what would be nice? If by next week we’re able to compile a Goodfellas-style supercut of Trump and his cronies being arrested, complete with the Layla piano exit.

I managed to list three things on Facebook Marketplace yesterday before I quit in frustration. While none of the stuff has sold yet, I did manage to sell the last of the Lego. One of the listings had a Lego set in the photos, and someone was interested in buying it. I apologized and explained it had been sold already, but would he be interested in what I had left? After some back and forth, he told me he didn’t have the funds, but he had a friend who was interested. “Bring whatever you have to his shop before 5 he’ll pay cash”. After a quick Google, and it turned out the friend’s shop is a Lego shop.

I packed all the remaining Lego and about 40 assembly manuals into the truck and drove to the shop. Unfortunately, as soon as I walked in the shop door, I realized I’d left a bunch of minifigs at home. I’ll bring them out the next time I leave the house. However, when I left the cute little shop about a half hour later, I’d doubled the funds in the Money Bucket.

I don’t need to leave the house today. I added a few more things to Facebook Marketplace, and I’ll put them up on Craigslist as well. I’m hoping to avoid another call to the junk haulers, so if I can get anything at all for this stuff, I’ll be stoked. While I didn’t expect to have the appraisal all set yesterday, it would have been nice. If all goes as planned, I have three weeks left.

Less if I can get out earlier.

Since tomorrow is trash pickup, I’ll take some time today to go through the freezer and the fridge. I know there’s a bunch of stuff in the freezer that will never be eaten. It’s likely stuff like a freezer burnt pork chop, random vacuum-packed tilapia fillet, or a half-full and long-expired bag of fries. As for the fridge, it’s mostly condiments, with the chance for a random container of leftovers.


  1. Shawshank
    January 20, 2021

    I’ve never seen Goodfellas.

    • crystal
      January 20, 2021

      I think you’d probably enjoy it.

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