Tag: facebook marketplace

June 26, 2022 / Life in General

I refuse to sit here and be subjected to nonstop HGTV because I’ve seen this episode at least five times now and just because it’s on OWN doesn’t make not another HGTV marathon of fucking rehab bullshit.

January 24, 2021 / Life in General

I feel like everything is just a big case of SAME SHIT DIFFERENT DAY. I’m awake, I have a coffee, Mal is crying, and local news is on the TV. Poor Mal, I wish he could talk and tell me what is so upsetting to him every morning. EVERY. SINGLE. MORNING. Someone should be here…

January 22, 2021 / Life in General

Greetings from Friday morning, or what’s left of it. I believe they’re calling for a chance of snow overnight, but nothing to worry about. In true Rhode Island fashion, “chance of snow, nothing to worry about” can mean anything between the odd 64°F January day and a raging nor’easter. Who knows. The appraisal came back…