Hotter Than a Skillet

Happy Monday! I’ve been up for a few hours, but I only just poured my first cup of coffee. I had a burst of ambition. Instead of refilling the tank of the Keurig, I put on clothes, wrote down a decent 8-set workout, and went outside instead. An hour later, I was sweaty as hell, but had finished a killer kettlebell workout before things could get too hot to move. As it was, the outdoor temp was already about 29°C when I finished.

I’m a beast, I’m a fucking savage.

We had a slight schedule change this week, and DayTech and I swapped a couple of closing shifts. That’s the only reason I even could do a workout this morning. If I didn’t do one today, I wouldn’t be able to do one until Thursday. While I did a nice long workout yesterday morning, I didn’t want to lose out on the chance to do one before work. Especially because I expect this shift is going to suck, because it’s Monday. I’m not sure which pharmacist will be there. If the rest of the day will suck, I want at least one part of the day to be good.

Ten days ago, I made the decision that shit needs to change. I want to lose the weight gained after Shawshank was sent north. To be honest, I’d gained a probably 10 lbs more than I was comfortable with even before he left. That puts me around 30 lbs heavier than what I like. I’ve lost about 5 lbs since then. I haven’t done much more than continue with the consistent workouts and being mindful of what I’m eating. I don’t expect to keep that pace. I remember how quickly the weight came off when I first started my weight loss journey. But, I also remember how slow it was in the weeks before I hit my goal.

But…. 25 lbs left.

Or, barring that, I want my scrubs to fit again.

Yesterday wasn’t only for a workout. I started the laundry and cleaned out a small dresser that’s in the basement. While the laundry was in the washer, I washed the kitchen floor. I sprayed down the baseboards with the ant spray, and put down a couple of ant traps. I pulled one big box of trash out of the basement. There’s a few more boxes down there, but a lot of them are empty already. We had a period of time after Shawshank‘s arrest when there was a lot of unknowns to deal with. We weren’t sure if we would be dealing with jail or divorce. He hoarded boxes in case I needed to move. I can break most of them down and bring them upstairs. However, there’s several that are disintegrating with age, and they’re just nasty.


Yesterday’s heat was bad. Today is supposed to be even worse. I hope the threat of temps akin to Satan’s asshole will keep people in their houses. I planned to make some tikka tonight, but I think I’ll have chicken wraps again. The less I need to stand by the stove, the better.

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