There isn’t a strap big enough to hold my life together.

Oh, so I do have a day off this weekend. Lovely.

Yesterday’s shift wasn’t as bad as it could have been. It wasn’t a great shift, and it could have been a lot worse. We opened the gates at 8:55am and the fridge was beeping again. I don’t think the door seals closed properly and it pops open. I texted StressedRPh, and stole some Velcro strips from the meager selection of hardware options.

It’s not pretty, but it works. Hopefully. We’ll know on Monday.

Our system at work has an option to force a patient consultation when a medication is picked up. This “locks” a script and prevents its sale until a pharmacist details the outcome of the consult and approves dispensing the med. In some situations, it’s a good idea. Potential drug interactions? Yes, by all means, lock that shit down until a pharmacist can talk to the patient. But for something that’s just a note that could be written on the prescription leaflet? No. No one wants to wait in line because someone put a pointless note that now needs to be addressed with a resolution and a password approval. Cunty McFuckass put a consultation on something yesterday just to say “update your address with your doctor’s office”.

I’ve written up my Sunday workout. It looks like there’s actually a breeze out there this morning, and I’ll go out as soon as I finish this post. After the workout, there’s chores. I have to pull everything out of the kitchen and wash the floor, then spray the baseboards with the ant spray again. I have to do the laundry. Between trash day on Wednesday and the donation pick up on Friday, I’ll attempt to pull as much shit into one spot as possible to make it easier to bring outside when it’s time for it to go.

It’s going to be a warm one today, and I guess I should get my ass outside before it’s too warm to move.

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