More Chores

Good morning, lovely darlings. I hope your Sunday has treated you well so far. It’s a little overcast this morning, but I’m ok with that right now. I’ve already done two things that needed to be done today, and I’m barely into my first cup of coffee.

I accomplished a lot of what I wanted to do yesterday. I ended up lost on the way to the post office. This is patently ridiculous because I’ve been there a bunch of times. However, I took a different route to go there and ended up on the wrong end of an intersection. From the post office, I went to Home Depot for wood. Then I headed back towards home to buy some food for the next couple of weeks. After lunch, I set about to do my big project and fixed the stairs. I did some dishes, and cooked roughly 3 lbs of chicken breast for this week’s dinners.

After Saturday’s dinner, #selfcaresaturday starts. These days, it’s a bit too warm for hours long bubble baths, so I relax in the yard. Shawshank‘s two hours behind me, and I take the poi outside while he and the family have dinner. Last night was no different, and I took some nice video under the moon. One of the neighbors came over and we chatted about how we both plan on moving.

I’ve already done today’s workout. It was a decent workout. Shawshank called me a beast, and I told him I wasn’t because I only did 48 minutes instead of the normal 90 minute weekend workout. I did a different format than normal – reps vs. a quick paced tabata. He pointed out that I’d basically condensed my longer routine into a shorter, harder workout. Ok, then I guess maybe I’ll accept being called a beast, but maybe just a smaller beast.

And since the projector was picked up yesterday afternoon, I had some cash to deposit. I was able to do that before Shawshank was even out of the bed.

The rest of the day will be spent doing laundry and taking photos of Lego. I wrote up an inventory and prices, but I need to dust the sets and take pictures. While all that happens, I’ll let some dye sit in my hair.

If I have dye in my hair, I can’t nap.

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