Early Mondays Blow.

Ew, it’s Monday, it’s an early shift, and it’s chilly. I’m not pleased.

We spent yesterday doing nothing much, as expected. We did the food shopping, and I spent a bunch of the afternoon baking. Tonight, I make a batch of cream cheese frosting. For the most part, it was just us, the cats, and our movie. At about 7pm, I suddenly remembered it was his mom’s birthday and yelled at him to get on the phone with her.

He’s got the next legal meeting next week. I’m freaking out inside, so I can’t imagine what he’s going through. After nearly a solid year since the arrest – that’s not an exaggeration, it’s literally only a couple of days off – he’ll be meeting with the public defender for the first time. The man is not easy to get in touch with, but googling him gives me a bit of hope about potential outcomes.

I’ll be there at the courthouse, but I’m not going to be in the actual courtroom. I’ve told him I don’t need to see how deep that rabbit hole goes, and he understands my position. Maybe at some point I’ll be in a place where I can handle opening Pandora’s box, but for now, I’ll skip it. I’ve got a couple of books to bring with me.

Once that meeting is over, we’ll have dinner answers about what’s up ahead legally, and I can start freaking out about the next big event:


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