Tag: Pre-arraignment Meeting

November 7, 2019 / It's Story Time

There’s nothing like a trip to the courthouse to make me feel both totally relieved and scared as hell. I feel like I’m living in the audience of a game show studio right now. Tiny, flashing lights blink in dizzying patterns on a light blue backdrop behind the stage. There’s an arched entrance to the…

November 4, 2019 / Legal Matters

Good morning, internet. It’s a bright shiny day in Providence, I’m in a fantastically loud courthouse hallway, I desperately need more coffee, and my ass is cold. We spent yesterday, as expected, doing food shopping all morning. It was almost lunchtime when we got back. The food sorted and put away, we went back out…

October 28, 2019 / Legal Matters

Ew, it’s Monday, it’s an early shift, and it’s chilly. I’m not pleased. We spent yesterday doing nothing much, as expected. We did the food shopping, and I spent a bunch of the afternoon baking. Tonight, I make a batch of cream cheese frosting. For the most part, it was just us, the cats, and…