For once, I’m not bitching.

Yesterday was exactly the opposite of what I went into work expecting. We stayed ahead of everything, and by lunchtime we were pretty well caught up with our work. When NewTech arrived at 4pm, I was able to catch up on some paperwork and write a quick guide on handling one of the most problematic issues that’s been coming up with the new system.

For the first time in a while, I left at 5pm without feeling like I needed to drink until I forgot the shift.

Today is another one of my early shifts this week. It’s a StressedRPh shift, which can go either way. Since DayTech won’t be in until midday, I’m hoping the extra half hour without patients will allow me to get ahead of things.

Tonight is day 5 of vegeamahwhut week. Last night was black bean burgers and fries, and tonight is chickpea tikka masala. He’s been enjoying the dinners a lot more than I expected, even though he did say he missed meat.

Meat or meatless, I don’t particularly care either way, as long as I get to eat.

I can’t wait to get this week over with. Two more shifts to get through, then we can enjoy the weekend. The car goes into the shop on Saturday morning, which puts a damper on shopping early. Next week’s schedule is pretty hectic, with his group meeting on Sunday morning, counseling Monday (him) and Wednesday (both of us), and a meeting with his probation officer on Thursday. He’s got work on Saturday morning, I have a birthday party to go to on Saturday afternoon.

I think I’m just going to spend this weekend unplugged and drugged up on my usual OTC sleeping cocktail.

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