Whatever and Ever

Good morning, my lovelies. It’s Tuesday. That means it’s time for…. Absolutely nothing, actually. It’s Tuesday. Whatever. It’s not Monday.

I decided I’m going into work early today. Again, whatever. It’s an hour extra in the paycheck. Due to the holiday, it was slow enough yesterday to get about 4 hours of training done, but I don’t think it’ll be like that today.

We were both excited to do the Thanksgiving pizzas last night, but I ended up with stomach issues and felt like pizza of any sort would be a bad idea. I had been contemplating either skipping the planned workout and doing pizza, or just having oatmeal for dinner. He suggested doing a workout while he went to the store to grab himself something to eat, then having the oats; best of both worlds, so to speak. It looks like it’ll be pizza tonight, and I can’t wait.


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