I’m Jell-O

Mornin’ folks.

It was a decent sleep last night. Aside from waking up before the alarm goes off, things haven’t been bad lately, and I’m doing my best to not get into the mindset of “it’s good now, but it’s only temporary until things get back to ‘normal’, AKA ‘bad'”. My dreams have been just as strange as ever, with last night’s dreams involving the discovery that one of my favorite yoga YouTubers getting his start 15 years ago in a viral cat video, and a dream over the weekend featuring a drone-blimp race.

I’m taking advantage of my late shift starting time, and pushed myself though 99 minutes of working out. My current way of doing things is to break up a long workout into three parts: abs, upper body, and lower body. I have to do it in that order, because otherwise I tend to try and cut things short and weasel my way out of doing abs. It’s still a crazy ass workout, my body feels like Jell-O right now, and I’ll be sore as hell tomorrow. Hopefully the next two days of recovery will get me back to normal by Saturday when I do it all over again. In a couple of hours, I’ll be chowing down on some turkey and pepperjack cheese on toasted English muffins, which I’m hopeful will keep me going until I get home after 8pm.

BossRPh and I aren’t looking forward to this flu clinic today. On Friday, I dropped off the signup forms and posters at the company after BossRPh confirmed with the general manager that we’d be there TODAY. He seemed surprised about how close the clinic date was, but assured us he was ready. Yesterday, she called the GM to ask if any forms had been turned in, and he totally forgot about the clinic. He also didn’t have any forms turned into him. While the forms aren’t necessarily needed before the clinic, having them beforehand definitely speeds things up processing everything in our system after the clinic is over.

And the absolute worst thing about this clinic is BossRPh brings a big bowl of Halloween candy and it’s going to take every atom of willpower to not eat it all afternoon. 🍬🎃🍫

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