Hello, world. I slept. I FUCKING SLEPT. When the alarm clock went off this morning, I wasn’t already laying in bed, waiting for Shawshank to wake up. I was dozing, like normal people do. Not listening to music, not scrolling through Reddit and TikTok. I think that this might be one of the first times I’ve slept almost the entire night since my arrival in October.
Yesterday was warm. I spent the morning in the “gremlin sweatshop”, as Shawshank calls it. I finished two pairs of pants: another sheer pair made from a curtain, and a gorgeous yellow print straight out of the 70’s. Unfortunately, I didn’t take pics of them. When I closed the front door to do the indoor photo shoot, the living room immediately heated up too much. By the time I untangled and set up the ring light and started arranging the backdrop, the temperature in the room felt oppressive. I gave up and opened the door. Hot with a breeze was still better than it would be with no air movement.
Naturally, the most logical activity for me to choose to do in yesterday’s heat and humidity was a 90+ minute spin time live stream. I put on something skimpy and soaked up the dopamine drip. At the end of the day, I made $.68 for my time. Shawshank came home shortly thereafter, bringing us a dinner of tater tots and fried shrimp.
After dinner, the real battle started: I could not stay awake. Shawshank took me out for ice cream, which helped for a little while. We went to the gas station and picked up popsicles and ice cream sandwiches. I took a couple of pics of the canola field behind the building.

The skies looked ready to storm, and I saw a flash of lightning in a distant cloud, but nothing made it up to TinyTown. I ate my ice cream when we got back to the house, then resumed dozing on the couch. And thus the pattern was set for the rest of the evening: doze, waking up for a snack, doze some more.
Today’s weather forecast predicts today will be pretty much a repeat of yesterday. I’m going to try and do my photo stuff this morning – before lunch – preferably before things heat up too much. I have one pair of pants to possibly finish assembling today, but it’s not a problem if I don’t. At this point, I have at least four* finished items ready to be listed. Considering my mental goal of listing three every week, I’m ahead of the game.
* There is a fifth pair, but I noticed a mark on them and I want to see if it washes out before I list them.