
It’s raining. It’s been a while since we’ve had “proper” rain, longer still since it’s been more than a passing shower. We started off with some drizzle at dinnertime, which quickly fizzled out after making everything damp. For the rest of the night, the steps would be wet every time we went outside, but never rained while we were out.

I had an ok day. I put the elastic in the fleece pants and pinned the ankle cuffs in the VERY LOOOONG TABLECLOTH pants. I’m fairly certain there’s one other non-fleece pair finished in the tote, making at least three finished pairs. Later, I prepped the sheets I acquired over the weekend, removing the elastic and opening up the corners of some fitted sheets. The elastic will be recycled and used in future pants. Here at Chaos Gremlin Sweatshop, we use all the parts of the buffalo.

I started fucking around with the neckties. I decided the best course of action was to open up the back side of the tie and remove any interfacing. Then I pin the resulting “back flaps” together at their edges, matching up the corners and sewing them together. Aside from trying to neatly destroy the ties, the most tedious part is folding and sewing those flaps into flat seams. Due to the sewing machine’s space limitations, I can’t confidently do more than one piece at a time. I do a lot of moving between the living room floor and the sewing table in the kitchen. Understandably, I only managed to put four ties together before I was DONE.

Today is shopping day. We’re heading out to Slightly BiggerTown for food and necessities. I need to do human things.

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