Why would I do that?

It’s Saturday, my friends. The weather is lovely and sunny for the moment. There are thunderstorms in the afternoon forecast, which is ok with me. Brian is at work, and Mom and I have the morning to ourselves.

I went out for a while yesterday. For the record, the Walmart near me doesn’t carry Home Depot gift cards. Neither does Target. Those bastards. By the time I left Target, it was past my lunch time, I was getting the hunger snark, and my inner monologue was in danger of becoming my outer monologue. I went back to the house and had lunch. Then I had to drive all the way to the actual Home Depot to buy a gift card.

Fortunately, it was a nice day, and Mom came out with me for the second trip out.

The rest of the day was pretty nice. We went out for Chinese buffet. It wasn’t good. Anything that was fried was rock hard. Mom laid down the law, and said we’ll drive the extra 5-10 minutes to the good one from now on.

I spent a fun night in the darkness with with poi. While I haven’t had a chance to go through all the videos, this was the highlight of my flow session.

Since Brian is at work today, Mom and I can go grocery shopping without him. It’s always faster without him. We’re hosting dinner tomorrow, which means a cleaning binge in the common areas of the house.

I need a shower.

Have a good day, people. Enjoy your Saturday.

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