It’s an amphibian.

Well, my attempt to become Florida Woman was foiled yesterday. My plan was to buy a game, then go to the DMV. Unfortunately, I forgot something I needed to bring. I went home to get it and grab a sandwich. Unfortunately, by the time I was back on my way out, they had closed their queue for the day.

Those bastards.

But… Aside from that snafu, it wasn’t a bad day. We had birthday dinner at Brian’s parents’ house – Church’s Chicken – and I rescued a tiny frog from the pool. After spending most of the day working on it, I have maybe one more batch of roses to roll before the last wreath is finished. I played a little bit of Skyrim when we came home, and then got distracted and was late for my chat with Shawshank.

Today, I’m once more attempting to get my license. As soon as I post, I’ll go off to my wing of the house and assume a human form. Mom has a hair appointment this afternoon, so I’ll be doing that as well. There’s a GameStop nextdoor, I’ll kill some time in there.

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