Who’s up for a prison book club, eh?

The motivation kicked in a bit at work. I wiped the counters down a couple of times: “passing the wipey,” as DayTech says. Being proactive with the busy work worked in my favor.  With nothing left to do, I was allowed to leave 45 minutes early. I made it home, changed into something more appropriate, and did an hour long workout. Now, if I can remember and/or force myself into bed early, I will have actually achieved everything I set out to do.

Shawshank called at 7:30 pm, as expected. I enjoyed our 20-minute chat. He said they finally received PPE for the detainees last night – masks, one mask per detainee. They’re also restarting court hearings, and his was rescheduled for the 23rd. It’s too early to know whether or not it will be at the courthouse, or if it will be another video conference with the judge.

Shawshank‘s copy of House of Leaves arrived at the facility today. He hasn’t received it yet, since it needs to go through inspection first. Since it’s a surprise, if he didn’t say anything about receiving it, I’m not asking if it’s arrived. I looked through The Pink Room after dinner, and found my copy. Along with our copy of Amanda Palmer’s The Art of Asking, it hadn’t even made it into a donation box yet. If he treats it like he’s been treating the Twilight books, he’ll be sending me quotes in every letter. I figure it’s time for a re-read, and I may as well read the entire book instead of one paragraph per letter.  

However, I’ll admit I’m a little apprehensive about getting a copy for him.  Shortly after I bought it, he told me about how anxious he was, and how much everything “inside” is getting to him.  He once wrote about how he only ever had nightmares.

“I still get nightmares. In fact, I get them so often I should be used to them by now. I’m not. No one ever really gets used to nightmares.”

Mark Z. Danielewski, House of Leaves

Maybe that’s not the best choice of books to buy for someone with a lot of issues to deal with.

The rest of the week should be easy enough to handle. We’ve got StressedRPh tomorrow, and BossRPh for Friday. Yesterday, DayTech asked if I was baking BossRPh something for her last day. I thought about it, but I have no idea what sort of thing to bake. I’ll have to come up with something, and do some shopping this weekend; I need sugar anyway.  I’m only planning to grab some basics when I go out; I really only need some sweet potatoes, cottage cheese, and some almond milk.  Shawshank declared that tomorrow night is “breakfast for dinner”.  That’s pretty much every other night anyway.  I need to use up some sprouts before the weekend as well, probably Saturday night.

I’m working on plans for #selfcaresaturday. While cleaning out the fridge the other night, not only did I find more coquito (FUCK YEAH MORE MUDSLIDE TUBSLIDES), but I found about a pint of homemade “applejack”, which is pretty much just Everclear, apples, and apple pie spices. I’m thinking about making myself some apple crisp to go with it. Dessert, bubbles, and booze. I’m going to be in a good mood.

And definitely not attempting to shave after drinking it.

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