Good morning, world. TinyTown is dark and chilly. It’s still below freezing, but nowhere near the likes of what we had earlier this month.
I did some shit yesterday. I saw some footage of Just Dance around Christmas, and thought it looked like something that might get my ass off the couch. However, I didn’t want to drop the money on the deluxe version. Ubisoft stuff goes on sale all the damned time, so I knew it was just a matter of waiting. The wait was finally over, and it popped up with a discount good enough to make it worth snagging.

It took forever to download. I swear to god, those last 4 minutes of download were measured in NFL time. There was some initial confusion when I thought I needed both Joy Cons, and couldn’t figure out why one kept being seen as player 2. I haven’t really gone through all the options the game has. As you can see, I switched from La Blue Girl to Omaha the Cat Dancer* immediately upon unlocking her.
My hoody lasted 2 minutes before I tossed it in a corner. I texted Shawshank after the first song and told him I was going to die. After the rough start, I spent 2 hours playing. I have all the grace of a wolverine on angel dust. It absolutely ain’t pretty. “Potato Dancer” perfectly sums me up, and I have no idea how I managed that score on “Just a Gigalo”. If it cheers, I assume I did something right. I only discovered the “workout mode” as I was forcing myself to stop playing and actually hydrate.
Shawshank came home early and I relinquished the controller so he could play No Man’s Sky. I grabbed my blanket, curled up in a ball, and napped with Chaucer on top of me. We enjoyed our dinner date, then I sat my ass in the bath for an hour or so while Shawshank played space pirate.
We’re leaving town today, heading out to Slightly BiggerTown for groceries and weed.
* … maybe don’t google those?