This might be better if it had numbers printed on the paper.

This might be better if it had numbers printed on the paper.

Hey, y’all. Happy fucking Humpday. We’ve reached the middle of the week. No matter what else happens this week, you should feel accomplished for making it this far.


I went to bed in a solid panic attack last night. It came on quickly. It wasn’t as bad as it could have been, but only because it was cut short when I passed out. I had a breakdown, did some deep breathing, and fell asleep.

I spent much of yesterday painting. I picked up some proper watercolor paper over the weekend. Even though I couldn’t paint outside, decided to give it a whirl by the bay window.

“Watercolors are fucking evil”, I told Shawshank last night night.

They’re not like other mediums I’ve used. I’m accustomed to acrylics, with sharp lines and saturated colors. Every day I pick up the brush is another fucking learning experience. I’m someone who likes to pick up a tool DO IT. Watercolors (at least the way I paint) are not that medium.

But… I’m enjoying them. They force me to focus on slowing everything down. I’m struggling a little with the paints, because there’s a couple of colors I’d like to add/replace. I won’t complain too much about them, as I don’t expect anything amazing out of a set I paid $6 for at Walmart. If I stick to things, I’ll upgrade the paints and get a couple of nicer brushes.

From the looks of things, today’s going to be another dreary one. I’ll have another decision to make on how to spend my afternoon.


  1. John H

    You underestimate your talent Crystal, these are really cool. It would take me a long time to even get close to that level, if ever.
    Thanks for sharing the goods! Have a great day regardless of what goes on!

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