The start of a new week

The start of a new week

Good morning, my friends. Welcome to the third level of Hell, aka Monday. It’s an early shift for me today, so no workout. The Corona virus has struck my area over the weekend, and I’m expecting we’re going to have a lot of people coming into the pharmacy to buy face masks.

We haven’t had face masks in a month.

Oh, and StressedRPh is supposed to go to Italy next weekend.

I had a chat with my mom last night. She called just to check up on me, since I haven’t actually talked to her since the middle of last week. I told her what I was doing over the weekend, with the sorting, and the lists. We chatted about my plans to sell the house in the spring. I won’t be able to keep it up forever. The costs of bill payments never go in the direction we want them to.

At one point, she asked me flat out if I was planning to move north. I explained my options again, and told her that yes, moving north was my plan. She was supportive the other night when we talked. However, I don’t think she’s very happy about my decision, now that she knows I’m serious. I’d prefer to think she’s only sad I’ll be so far away instead of disappointed I’m moving 3,100 miles away with my felon husband.

After I chatted with Mom, I chatted with Shawshank‘s mom and gave her an update on his status. Unfortunately, the status is that there’s really no status to update. She no longer has the optimistic spark she had last week. He’s in jail until he’s out. He won’t be out until they put him on the plane. I feel terrible for her. They live in a small house with his grandmother. It’s a tiny little town of about 500 people, in the middle of nowhere. There’s nothing but farmland for hours around them, and in a few weeks she’ll be picking up her son from the airport under shameful circumstances.

He’s in better spirits than he was last week. I think the shock of it all is wearing off and acceptance of the situation is setting in. The good thing is, he’s making plans. He’s thinking of what he needs to do, and looking at everything from every angle to be prepared for potential problems. So far, he hasn’t gone down the rabbit hole of bad thoughts.

And I just got a text from his boss asking where he is.



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