Ugh, fuck essential.

It’s Monday, people. Get up get moving, and do whatever it is you’re allowed to do.

Me, I’m heading out to work. I’m making a quick stop at the Post Office, and maybe hitting up Dunkin for a bagel. I’m not entirely certain which pharmacist(s) I’ll be working with today, as BossRPh is off this week. I’m fairly certain it will be a split shift between StressedRPh and a fill-in, which could be good, or could suck mightily.

From what I’ve heard, we’re supposed to be wearing masks at work. Are they supplying us with these masks? No idea. I read that in one location, masks are under lock and key, and employees are limited to two per week. According to a few other employees, corporate is trying very, very hard to not let it get out that people are getting sick in their locations. “If you’re suddenly asked to fill in at another location in our district, chances are someone there tested positive.”

We won’t even get into the polarizing bullshit I’m seeing about wearing masks. That’s an entire post for another day.

Since Shawshank called a couple of extra times over the weekend while panicking, he won’t be calling tonight. Instead, he’ll call me tomorrow night to let me know what happened with his video hearing. This will give me a chance to upload a few items for sale, and more importantly, do a workout after dinner. I’m really trying to do more than just sit on the couch after dinner. Unfortunately, I’m failing terribly at that goal.

The first step is doing it. Right now, I’m heading off the couch to make lunch and get dressed. Have a good day, my friends.

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