The Last Clinic

The Last Clinic

Good morning, my friends. It’s Thursday. Yay, we’re over the hump. I’m taking a break from doing shit this morning. My alarm went off this morning at 5:30am as usual. I turned it off, and reset it for 7:30am. Then I apologized to the cats for not feeding them immediately and went back to sleep.

Yesterday’s flu clinic was pretty tough. While it didn’t go as badly as I anticipated, it wasn’t smooth by any means. It started off with StressedRPh texting as I pulled into the parking lot before noon to ask if I could come in as soon as I could. Then she forgot to pack the needles, and that set the tone for the rest of the day.

In previous years, we’d drop off the forms for people to fill out, and pick up the completed forms a week later. This would allow us to look them over for missing info or make notes about additional vaccines we might suggest. This year, we couldn’t do that. The new HR person didn’t want to have a folder full of people’s health info in her office.

However, we expected that people would have at least filled out their forms. Nope. Most people didn’t even have forms. It’s as though the HR contact simply printed them so we’d have them on-site when we arrived. As a result, we had a socially distant line of guys trying to fill out their forms with the two clipboards we’d brought. The second shift was smaller, and went a little more smoothly.

I won’t miss flu clinics.

It’s good to think that was my last one, even if I can’t share the fact with anyone at work.

I worked nonstop from before noon until about 8:45pm. I left and said I was going to Wendy’s. And as much as they’re usually really hit or miss at the location near my house, it was yummy last night. The parking lot and the drive-thru were crowded as hell. I let someone go in front of me because she was coming into the lot. I was already in the lot and I didn’t want her to block traffic. It’s just being nice, and it’s not like one car will make that much difference when there’s already six ahead of me.

Eventually, we all make it around the building. I placed my order and the woman in front of me yells out her window at me, she’s sorry she cut in front of me and she’ll pay for my dinner. I yell back not to worry about it, she didn’t cut in line, I let her go. She thanks me, then still pays for my dinner.

I would have paid it forward and grabbed the bill for the car behind me, but it was an SUV with like 4 people that I could see. I’m not made of money. I already felt guilty enough about my own dinner.

And that’s about it. It’s time for me to start getting ready for work. Have a good day, my friends.


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