

Greetings and salutations. Chaucer is searching for Knickknack, because he’s an asshole. Mom‘s doing laundry again. Mal seems to be doing ok, and is bravely taking his probiotic powder in his morning bowl of food. He’s sitting by the back door, watching the critters in the yard. We’re all enjoying the sunshine today, but it’s going to rain all week.

We drove all over the place yesterday. Brian’s uncle had hernia surgery on Friday, so we drove over to check on him. From there, we went to Brian’s parents’ house. They’re camping, and wanted us to go over and bring in the mail every couple of days. After that, were headed to Walmart to buy the weekly groceries.


I’d rather be spinning today, but instead we’re going out. #poi #flowtoys #flowtok #lawncare

♬ Come and Get Your Love – Redbone

I bought Mom a bunch of garden soil for mother’s day. I had bought a gift for her last weekend, but it hasn’t arrived yet. According to the tracking, the package spent all of last week in a pre-shipment stage, before suddenly materializing in Houston on Friday night.

I took over dinner last night, and we had grilled naan melts with ham and bacon. Mom had never had naan before, and absolutely loved it. We’re going to make pizzas with it later this week.

We’re not sure what we’re doing today, other than having roast chicken for dinner. Mom can’t decide if we’ll cook it and bring it to the uncle’s house, or if we’ll just invite one of the family friends over here for dinner.

Either way, it’s going to be a loud dinner.


  1. I’m glad the naan was a big hit. How was the salad you also made?

    • crystal

      It’s in the fridge, waiting to be lunch ❤️

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