Sunny, but not Friday yet.

Sunny, but not Friday yet.

Good Thursday. Thursday? Yes. Thursday. I know this because I spent most of yesterday thinking it was Thursday, and then being disappointed it was not. It’s sunny, and I have no ambition.

Shawshank called right as I finished making dinner. He sounded really good, which made me happy. He received the books yesterday, and asked which one he should read first. Since I haven’t read either one of them, he was on his own. He had a few hours before lock-in, and wanted to start reading as soon as he got off the phone. I’m guessing he was going to start Cat’s Cradle, because it was thinner and he’s probably finish it by bedtime. His birthday is coming up soon, and I really hope he’s not in there for it.

We chatted for a little while about work, and how things are going after BossRPh‘s departure. MusicMan starts tomorrow, and StressedRPh is still…. her normal self. To sum up work right now, it’s an absolute clusterfuck. DayTech won’t be in until next Wednesday. The store manager didn’t make arrangements to cover her shifts for the new workweek, which started today. NewTech won’t work during the week because she can’t find a sitter, and is suddenly complaining she can’t work after 2 pm on the weekends, even though she’s always been scheduled until 4 pm. The fill-in tech we’ve had tentatively agreed to take Monday and Wednesday, then backed out of doing it. StressedRPh thinks he doesn’t want to work with her.

I can’t say I blame him, the place is a shitshow right now.

Oh, and there’s something dead in the pharmacy. Whenever I say that phrase, all I can hear is Aerosmith’s “Living on the Edge”.

There’s something dead in the pharmacy,
I don’t know what it is,
There’s something dead by the baa-aa-ags.

I started smelling it last Thursday in the pick-up area. At first, I thought maybe I was smelling Whatshisname’s lunch, but he usually brings delicious smelling Indian food. Then I thought it was me. Do I stink? Am I having a stroke? But StressedRPh could smell it on Friday morning. We agreed it was something bigger than the little mice we spot now and then, because we’ve never had such a strong smell. She asked the store manager to call the pest control company to come in and find the rotting corpse of whatever it is. Pest control came in Tuesday and put down traps. They put down traps.

Guys, I don’t claim to be a pest control specialist, but I don’t think this was the best solution.

Alright. I need to fix another cup of coffee and assume my human form.

Have a good day, and remember to live, love, laugh, you beautiful bastards.

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