Good morning, interweblings. Happy Wednesday. We have sunshine again. Maybe today I can actually fucking enjoy it. In the meantime, I’ll drink my fucking coffee.
Yesterday was an entire day of insanity. I don’t mean it was busy, but it was more…. just more. As seems to be the new tradition, we waited for AT&T to show up to repair the cable. The repair should have been done between 8am and noon. They hadn’t shown up when Mom and I left for lunch at 10:30am, but whatever. Brian was home for the day. It’s not as though we were waiting for people to show up.
Which was a good thing, because they fucking didn’t.
When we returned from lunch – highly recommend First Watch at 9 Mile, btw – it was almost two hours after AT&T’s repair window. I used their app to see what our status was. The app said the previously scheduled morning repair had been delayed because of problems with the equipment. It “helpfully” offered several new repair windows, and chose one for yesterday evening.

Side note: I received easily about thirty notifications about the upcoming scheduled appointments this week, and I only installed that fucking app on Sunday evening. I was literally getting notifications every five minutes at one point, reminding me of an appointment over 24 hours before the scheduled repair window. Did I receive any notice that yesterday’s tech had a problem? Nope.
The tech showed up yesterday afternoon. He literally just plugged our line back into the port it was sitting next to in the box. I gave him the rundown on the bullshit we’ve been dealing with for the last week when he came in to explain his “repairs”. He couldn’t tell us why they had pulled us out of the port we’d been in. He put our line into an empty port, marked it on file, and was out in 15 minutes. Everything is back to our version of normal.
We also had the septic tank pumped. That service guy has been here before. He said things looked fine and we probably didn’t really need a pump right then. Brian asked Mom what she wanted them to do and she opted to have it pumped anyway. They were there anyway, after all.
As a bonus, Brian mentioned he thought maybe something had hung up in the pipe and caused the occasional toilet overflow in their bedroom. The septic guy took the vacuum hose from their Suckmaster 9900 HD and jammed it over the house’s main outflow pipe. The noise was… something else entirely.
But today
We I have nothing planned. Mom is going to clean her friend’s house, and I’ll have a few hours to myself. I plan to put clothes on and go to the smoke shop and the neighboring Walmart. I’m looking at the possibility of replanting Teensycola and Fern Gully in larger jars, because shit’s tall and their drainage sucks. The weather should be gorgeous, and I can smoke on the patio and play with my plants.