Just put it in your mouth.

Good morning, internet. Happy weekend. It’s another weather alert day, unsurprisingly. However, this time the alert is for the rain, not the heat. Although the heat is still oppressive, no one is going out to play in it. I woke up to a few grumbles of thunder, indicating we might actually see some of the isolated showers that have threatened the last week. At the risk of sounding like one of the little old men who thrived on small talk at the pharmacy, we need the rain.

I am incredibly thankful I stayed home yesterday. Mom and Brian left his parents around 8:30am, and should have taken around three hours. They were supposed to meet the dog breeder around noon, which meant waiting. Mom was upset because she wanted to see some of the houses from the TV show, and Brian’s father didn’t want to go anywhere without a set destination. The suggestion “just drive around downtown and look at things” didn’t fly with him. Nor did the idea of finding a parking lot closer to the downtown area so she could get out and walk. Consequently, they sat in the CVS parking lot for at least an hour.

Mind you, it was 100°🦅 outside yesterday. Sitting in the car is fucking foolish. At least the puppy is cute.

Oh, but the reason she’s such a cute puppy? Not just that whole “make the young cute so we don’t eat them” part of evolution. She’s fucking adorably tiny because she’s at a week younger than she should be to leave her mother. Mom did the math on the way home after Brian’s mom kept commenting on how small she was.

It was 4:30pm by the time they arrived back at the house. Mom went right out the back door to have a smoke.

On the other hand, I spent an hour cleaning my bathroom. By the time I was finished, it was lunch time. I tried to beat the mad lunch rush at Wendy’s by going later. Unfortunately, I still had a 20 minute wait in the drive through. However, I had prepared for my return and laid out everything I needed to have a successful lunch.

Then I spent the rest of the afternoon in my seat watching Netflix. It was a good day for me, once I was high enough to turn off the news.

One Comment

  1. June 25, 2022

    Honestly, I live for those moments when I’m the only one home. Am I selfish? oh yeah

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