Step 2:

Keep driving.

Made it to South Carolina yesterday afternoon. Two stops down, one to go. I felt better after today’s travels than I did when I checked in on Wednesday in VA.

I had been on the road for a couple of hours when our agent texted from the house as she did the final walkthrough. She questioned if I had left our enormous canvas print of Asphyxia. Sadly, the plan was to put it on top of all the other stuff in the truck, but I couldn’t get it into the truck after I had packed everything else.

Traveling with the cats is interesting. Both of them were dosed with the CBD oil yesterday morning, and Mal was much quieter. As of last night, Chaucer wouldn’t eat, and Mal wouldn’t drink. From the looks of it, Chaucer did have some of the food overnight. They both came out of the crates faster on Day 2 than on Day 1. Once they explored the room, they settled down on the bed with me for most of the night.

In my case, I have to force myself to take in any form of nutrition. That’s pretty much par for the course for me under stressful situations. I’m running this trip on a steady intake of cherry Coke Zero, Cliff bars, and Pop Tarts. I promised to try to add some water to the menu today.

Mom called yesterday afternoon after I’d checked in and gotten the cats settled in the room. She just wanted to make sure everything was ok and see how the trip had been. I told her that really the only bad part was the fact I couldn’t stop at South of the Border in South Carolina. I wanted to take a selfie of me flipping off Pedro’s Sombrero Tower for subjecting me to 100+ miles of terrible billboards.

Today is the final push, from Walterboro, SC, to Pensacola, FL. It’s about 100 miles farther than yesterday’s trip, but the weather is still nice.

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