so someone called me “mommy” today and that’s a first

Hello, world. It’s a dark and cold (as far as I know) morning. We’ve got some weathery bullshit happening, and it came with a little bit of new accumulation overnight. Not a lot. I give my mom weather updates every couple of days. She almost invariably replies with the same thing: I would die. Well, I haven’t died yet.

I don’t leave the house for a week, but I haven’t died.

Actually, that’s not entirely true. Shawshank cleaned a spot for me to go outside and spin poi yesterday. When he told me he was clearing some space, I assumed he was just shoveling the walk. Instead, he cleaned a big spot in the grass. I only managed to get about 10 minutes or so out there, but it was more than I’ve spun outside for a month. Do I have some video? Yep. I’m not sharing it, because I was in sloth mode and I look like I’m in sloth mode. But I had fun for those 10 minutes.

I didn’t realize we had spray primer in the house when I posted yesterday morning. After posting, I looked through the airbrush closet and found three cans on the shelf. I planned to prime them sometime after dinner. I know I get tunnel vision while I paint, and I didn’t want to ignore on his last day of holiday vacation. Can’t paint if they’re not primed. To no one’s surprise at all, I started to get antsy about lunchtime. Shawshank held Pippin in the bedroom while I primed the minis.

I pointed out how excited I am to start this project. Not only because I fucking love painting minis, but also because I can use my airbrush again. Smooth color gradients on flames? Yes please. Object source lighting effects? OH HELL YES. Shawshank insisted we look at both airbrushes to make sure we have all their pieces. One is in need of a really thorough cleaning, and may or may not actually work when hooked up because I had to reassemble it and lawd knows if all the pieces are there. However, the good airbrush is still in good shape. I’m almost certain it’s only been used twice.

The second box of game should arrive today, according to Canada Post. I’ll start the minis today, once I figure out where to start.

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