It’s all good.

It’s all good.

Good morning, world. It’s new week. I’ve finished a cup of tea, and I’ve showered. Mal is in my lap, which makes it a little difficult to type.

But it’s all good.

I talked with my mom yesterday, just our typical weekly call. She called right as I had loaded up Albion to play a bit while Shawshank was having dinner. She reiterated her request that I don’t try to go through the mountains when I head south. Instead, I should stick to the coast until I hit Florida. That’s the plan. I haven’t decided if I’ll stay at campgrounds, rest stops, or hotels for the drive down. Mom also warned me, “the cats won’t poop on the way, don’t be surprised”.

Aside from the phone call, nothing much happened yesterday. I did a workout in the morning. The weather was gorgeous, so I spent an hour or so spinning the poi after lunch. Unfortunately, my earbuds died, cutting things shorter than I’d have liked. I watched an episode of Utopia, but mostly just played Albion in an effort to earn this month’s free mount. Then, when I finally claimed my snow husky mount, I was sorely disappointed by it.

StressedRPh is back from a week of vacation. I expect things will be miserable for a few days. However, I know this is all temporary. Work can suck all it wants, because I’ve only got a couple of weeks left. This is my last full week in the pharmacy.



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