snuggle couch cats

Hello, people. It’s Monday: the end of the weekend, the beginning of a new week. The sun is creeping up into the cold sky. We had a little dusting of snow overnight; Shawshank pushed it off both path and patio while smoking his morning cigarette. Unlike Florida, up here, I can’t see the sunrise from where I sit. The sky looks gray. It could be cloudy, it could just be not light. Who knows? Certainly not me.

Today also marks the end of an era: the pharmacy is closing. My pharmacy. Even though I haven’t worked there since the end of 2020, it will forever and always be my pharmacy. DayTech received the news last month and passed the word on to me and BossRPh. Once again, management dropped the ball: the district manager showed up, told the store manager, and left them to deal with it. Employees were offered the chance to transfer to another location, which was nice of them. However, employees who wanted a transfer were only given a couple of hours to make their decision.

BossRPh immediately offered to make some phone calls for DayTech; she’s been trying to recruit DayTech for almost three years now. DayTech declined the offer, she’s burnt out on pharmacy. She’s moving on to something better. I don’t remember what she said she would be doing when she left. It wasn’t customer facing, which is what she wanted after eight years in retail pharmacy. The doors close tonight and corporate will be selling the property. DayTech invited BossRPh to the potluck this afternoon, even StressedRPh* will be there.

Today’s the last in our stretch of lazy days. Shawshank has today off. The chores were done yesterday, and we’ll laze about. I’m only assuming a human form on the off-chance someone wants to video chat me into a pot luck lunch.

* StressedRPh has been out on leave for about 6 months now, at least.

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