Is it really “playing” if all I do is build underwater lairs?

Good morning, world. The week continues with Tuesday. The world is glittery and puffy again. I imagine things will be less pretty later, once TinyTown wakes up and the wind blows the fresh stuff off the roads. Pretty, but also fudging chilly.

Our lazy Monday was lazy and lovely. We didn’t do anything. Shawshank went to the grocery store and bought us chips, and that was as active as things got. We watched some news in the morning, and he finished last week’s episode of Critical Role. Later in the afternoon, we split into our separate activities. Shawshank grabbed all the bits of the Switch and I booted up Subnautica, he settled in to watch the newest episode of CR.

DayTech is back in the pharmacy for the last day. Yesterday was the official last business day, but they have cleaning to finish. StressedRPh went in for yesterday’s potluck and posted some pics on Facebook. Most of the comments were from former store employees and customers.

I admit, I wouldn’t be handling the closure without tears. I don’t handle goodbyes and leaving without turning into a blubbering mess. Everything makes me cry. Cat commercials make me cry. I didn’t stay long saying goodbye on my own last night there, and it wasn’t just because I’d just worked a full shift solo with StressedRPh. I didn’t tell anyone when I left Rhode Island, nor when I left Florida. I don’t want to cry.

The cats are snuggled with Shawshank. Pippin is on his legs, and Chaucer has once again wedged himself between the two of us. They’ve been playing short games of chase around the house for the last couple of days. Pippin is faster than Chaucer, and does most of the chasing. We’ve been witnesses to several slap fights as they fight over the front window. However, this morning we had a new development between them, and Chaucer licked Pippin. Just a very brief little bit of grooming, but a huge thing for Chaucer.

Shawshank‘s mini-vacation is over and he goes back to work today. I’m in the mood to do art. I’d do some painting, but I didn’t travel with any of my watercolor paper. I’ve ordered some, but it won’t arrive until sometime next week.

I’m planning to put on some clothes, at least. Maybe play some more Subnautica with the cats by my side.

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