Allo, allo. Happy Sunday. The skies are gray and dreary, and the nicer weather we had may be gone for the time being. I think I heard a rumble of thunder just now.
We had an uneventful Saturday. Mom and I went grocery shopping while Brian stayed home. He vacuumed the area rug in the living room and let the Roomba handle the rest of it. Mom has decided she prefers going shopping without him. I’m interested in what shopping will be like for her when I’m gone.
I definitely hear thunder. Brian claims whatever storm it’s attached to is going to miss us. I’ll believe it when I see it.
Aside from the trip out to Walmart, and 20 minutes of spin time in the dark, my ass didn’t leave my chair. Brian switched between two home reno series on TV all day, between live broadcast and DVRed shit. I mentioned to Mom that I retired to my room early on Friday night because I had seen the episode he had on at least seven times already. I couldn’t deal with watching it, even in my peripheral vision. Mom yelled at last night to stop recording reruns, and yes, the episodes with added popup video facts/behind the scenes extra footage are still reruns.
Mom: [annoyed] You know, we don’t need to watch this episode if we’ve seen it before.
Brian: But they’re all reruns, that’s not my fault.
I need to start cleaning my room out. I think the process will be much easier once I get things sorted. I won’t bring all the Florida clothes; I won’t have any need for shorts or eleventy-seven tank tops for a while.
I’ll try to do some work on stuff today. Brian’s parents are camping so Sunday dinner at the Compound has been cancelled. I’m pretty sure there’s a couple of empty boxes in the spare room that I can sort things into. As long as I don’t get too sucked into the downward spiral of the interwebs, I should be ok.
It has begun: he just put on House Hunters. I think that’s my cue.
Once you arrive, I can find Canadian versions of most of the HGTV shows for you!
They’ll never find your body when I’m done with you.